Áiseanna ar líne le tacú le foghlaim na Gaeilge / Online resources to help with learning Irish
Beo Ar Éigean
Blas (BBC) (podcasts)
Cló Iar-Chonnacht (audiobooks)
Club Leabhar (podcasts)
Cois Life (audiobooks)
Foras na Gaeilge (audiobooks)
Forvo (pronunciation)
Irish Dialect Sound Recordings 1928-31
An Gúm (stories)
Mindfulness as Gaeilge
Nuacht Mhall podcast (via Spotify)
Progress in Irish (course recording)
Songs in Irish (lyrics)
Sounds and Spelling of Irish (Karen Reshkin)
WalkerÉireann (stories)
Áiseanna Foghlama/Learning Resources (Language Synthesizer)
Aibítir na Gaeilge/The Irish alphabet (NÓS)
Alphabet Guide (Jerry Kelly)
Bain Giota De (video course)
Buntús Cainte (video course)
Colloquial Irish (audio files)
Database of Irish Phrases (DCU)
Gaeilge don Teaghlach (Irish for the Household)
Gaschaint (for teaching Irish at home)
Léigh Leat
Now You’re Talking (video course)
Phrases for Parents and Guardians (Gaeloideachas)
Séideán Sí (primary school series)
Teach Yourself Irish (archived edition) – Foghlaimeoirí (learner section)