Member Profile: Clydette Powell

Having been encouraged by native speakers she met locally in Washington DC, Clydette Powell took on the challenge of learning Irish and never looked back. Not only did she find it important to support a language that, as she puts it, “needs to stay alive,” but soon found that the more she understood about the Irish language, the more insight she gained into the Irish culture. Suddenly, the songs, literature and history of the island had more meaning for her.
Clydette has studied other languages, but finds Irish unique in how encouraging the learner community tends to be. She’s not afraid to admit that she looks forward to her Friday night grammar class, given how much she enjoys the other students. In addition to joining an Irish language choir in her home city, she put her Irish to use on her visits to Ireland—sometimes much to the glee of locals. In total, she never misses an opportunity to be active in spreading the language and connecting more people to it. You can even read about Clydette’s experiences speaking Irish to natives in Ireland!
Cé Thusa?
Ainm/Name: Clydette Powell
Áit/Location: Arlington, Virginia, USA
Leibhéal/Level: B1 Intermediate
Ról sa Chomhphobal/Role in the Community: Foghlaimeoir/Learner
Slí Beatha/Occupation: Medical Doctor
Fad ag foghlaim Gaeilge/Time learning Irish: 3-4 years
Caithimh Aimseartha/Hobbies: Playing Oboe, Playing Soccer
Cad is Fearr Leat?
Ceol/Music: Cherish the Ladies
Amhrán/Song: The Portumna Workhouse by Cherish the Ladies
Bia/Food: Any Vegetable
Deoch/Drink: Hot Chocolate
Scannán/Film: Chocolat
Clár Teilifíse/TV Show: PBS Masterpiece Theatre
Podchraoladh/Podcast: Beo ar Éigean
Leabhar/Book: Cem Dias Entre Ceu e Mar
Ainmhí/Animal: Madra uisce (Otter)
Áit in Éirinn/Place in Ireland: Na Blascaodaí (Blasket Islands)
Frása Gaeilge/Irish phrase: Tá mé sna trithí ag gáire
Miotaseolaíocht/Irish Mythology: Oisín i dTír na nÓg
Seanfhocal/Proverb: A cheerful heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17:22)
Mana saoil/Life motto: Love your neighbor as yourself
Comhairle d’fhoghlaimeoirí nua/Advice for new learners of Irish: Have fun with this awesome language!
Bígí páirteach!
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