Learn Irish the SMART Way!

Learn Irish the SMART WayThe act of learning Irish isn’t something that happens over a rainy weekend, but instead is achieved with endurance and persistence. Noticing improvement in your language skills is a great feeling, and one that is well deserved. However, one of the most common reasons that Irish learners fall away is not a lack of effort in pursuing the language, but a lack of planning. In other words, they’re not setting the right goals for themselves.

In breaking down their objectives in learning Irish, many learners find it helpful to use the SMART approach. Originally designed for business management, the SMART way of setting goals has been applied successfully to language learning, expediting improvement and keeping learners motivated. The objective of this technique is to ensure that your time is being used optimally and in a focused manner.

Here’s how to learn Irish the SMART way.

1. Specific

10 places to Visit in the GaeltachtYou want to learn Irish, obviously. While that’s a great endgame, it’s not a particular-enough target to aim for in the short to medium term.

Instead, by having a more specific goal, you will have the clarity needed to keep motivated and focused. Your goal may be to complete a 7-week A0 Introductory Irish course, have a five-minute conversation ‘as Gaeilge’, or even to visit the Gaeltacht. Whatever your goal, decide on it and write it down!

2. Measurable

Measuring your goals is SMARTOnce you’ve identified your specific goal, you’ll want to determine how to mark your development and know when you’ve actually reached it. Track your progress, perhaps by recording yourself saying the phrases that you learned in class each week, by checking off curriculum topics covered each term, or by keeping a journal of your studies – in fact, using simple Irish phrases to keep a consistent journal is a great way to both improve your word skills and also measure your progress over time.

3. Achievable

Achievable goals is part of Learning Irish the SMART wayWhile lofty and grand goals may be commendable, they may not be as effective in helping you learn Irish. Instead, if you’re already unlikely to hit your mark before setting off, you may find yourself quickly discouraged while studying the language.

That’s why, in seeking to learn Irish the SMART way, it’s important to ask yourself if your goal is attainable. Are sure you can do this, if you can make the effort?  Do you have access to the right resources? You will want to ensure that your goal is realistic and possible to complete or maintain within your set time frame.

4. Relevant

Next, consider the relevancy of your goal and why you’re learning – is it worthwhile, is this the right time in your life, and how will the result matter? This may even shift slightly as you begin to associate the Irish language as part of your identity – it’s who you are, it’s what you do, it’s your community. Understanding why you are learning Irish will help give you the vim and verve needed to see the process through.

5. Time-bound

SMART goals in Irish include time-bound objectivesA language-learning goal is no good if there isn’t a deadline to enforce it. Otherwise, it’s hard to find the motivation to fulfil it.

Every goal needs to be time-bound, which means having a target date to work towards. Set a timeframe that’s realistic and motivating, be that one course of 7-weeks, or a full year of courses. As you pursue your goal, be patient – you may be starting at Level A0, and it will require time and dedication to make progress, but it will happen if you keep with it!

As outlined, Learning Irish the SMART way can help ward off some of the common pitfalls that befall language learners, such as procrastination, frustration, and a general feeling that the wheels are spinning. Finding success in becoming an Irish speaker can be as simple as choosing the right goals. By having objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound, you will ensure that you’re spending your time effectively and learning Irish with the upmost efficiency.

Bígí páirteach!
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