Member Profile: Eric Funston

Eric Funston, Foghlaimeoir na Gaeilge

“The way we express things shapes the way we pray, the way we believe, and the way we think.”

Eric Funston grew up hearing stories of one of his ancestral grandfathers, an Irishman that crossed the Atlantic nine times before settling in America. Later, as an Anglican priest, he took a particular interest in Celtic customs and spirituality. While studying this subject it was apparent to him that to truly understand a culture and the people in it one needs to know their language. Further visits to Ireland further convinced him that he needed to learn Irish.

In 2008 Eric received a grant from his bishop to study Irish and therefore was able to attend the Acadamh in An Cheathrú Rua (Carraroe). He returned to the Acadamh two years later during a sabbatical. Also in 2010, Eric took a cottage in County Offaly for a month and translated old Irish hymns, one of which his church’s choir sang. Having retired from the priesthood, Eric continues to pursue the language with Let’s Learn Irish and enjoys the opportunity to speak Irish with other learners. You can read more about Eric’s Irish language journey here!    

Cé Thusa?

Ainm/Name: Eric Funston

Áit/Location: Medina, Ohio, USA

B1 Intermediate

Ról sa Chomhphobal/Role in the Community:

Slí Beatha/Occupation:
Sagart (ar scoir)

Fad ag foghlaim Gaeilge/Time learning Irish:
Ceithre bliana déag

Caithimh Aimseartha/Hobbies:
An chócaireacht, léamh, súgradh le mo mhadra

Cad is Fearr Leat?

Ceol/Music: Classic rock, folk rock, traditional Irish

Sit Down, Young Stranger by Gordon Lightfoot

Bia/Food: Mexican, Indian, Thai

Irish whiskey

2001: A Space Odyssey

Clár Teilifíse/TV Show:
The Twilight Zone

The Bible for Normal People

Leabhar/Book: Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child

Madraí agus meannáin

Laoch/Hero: Ardeaspag Desmond Tutu

Áit in Éirinn/Place in Ireland: St. Brendan’s Cathedral, Clonfert

Frása Gaeilge/Irish phrase:
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat!

Miotaseolaíocht/Irish Mythology:
An Bradán Feasa

Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.

Mana saoil/Life motto: Fan calma agus labhair Gaeilge

Comhairle d’fhoghlaimeoirí nua/Advice for new learners of Irish:
Cleachtadh, cleachtadh, cleachtadh!

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