“Good Luck!” in Irish

In this video, we learn how to say “Good Luck!” (Go n-éirí leat!) in Irish.

How to say "Good Luck!" in Irish

When wishing someone good luck or best of luck in Irish, we say “Go n-éirí leat”. In this phrase, “go n-éirí” has the meaning of “will succeed” and “leat” in this instance represents the person you are wishing success to. So, “go n-éirí leat” translates to “may you succeed” and in this context means “best of luck to you”.

If you wanted to wish good luck to a group fo people you’d simply change the phrase to “Go n-éirí libh”, meaning “may you (all) succeed”. Another way of saying this you may encounter is “Ádh mór ort/oraibh”.

Watch the video to practice your pronunciation of the phrase “Go n-éirí leat”. 

Samplaí Eile / Other Examples:

– Go n-éirí leat sa phost úr = Good luck with the new job

– Go n-éirí sin leat = Good luck with that

– Go n-éirí leat agus tú ag lorg oibre = Good luck with the job hunt

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