Ag Cur Síos ar Dhaoine: Describing People

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:

Ag Cur Síos Ar Dhaoine

(Describing People)

Focail / Words

aged – aosta
arrogant – sotalach
athletic – aclaí
blonde/fair – fionn
blue – gorm
broad/wide – leathan
brown – donn
cranky – cantalach
curly, wiry, thick (of hair) – catach
dishonest – cam
ear – cluas
eye – súil
face – aghaidh
fat – ramhar
finger – méar
foot – cos
friendly/understanding/sympathetic – báúil
funny – greannmhar

greedy – santach
green – glas
grey – liath
hair – gruaig
hand – lámh
lazy – leisciúil
long – fada
mouth/lips – béal
nose – srón
old – sean
short – gearr
short (of height) – beag
skinny – tanaí
slim/slender – caol
tall – ard
toe – barraicín
witty – deisbhéalach
young – óg

Frásaí / Phrases

I have big hands and a wide nose – Tá lámha móra agus srón leathan orm

You are a right busybody! – Socadán ceart atá ionat!

He is a slender, witty person – Is duine caol deisbhéalach é

They are blonde/They have blonde hair – Tá siad fionn/Tá gruaig fionn orthu 

He has thick, black eyebrows and short fingernails – Tá malaí catacha dubha agus ingne gearra air

Are her eyes blue or grey? – An bhfuil súile gorma nó liatha uirthi?

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