Bia agus Deoch: Food and Drink

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:

Bia agus Deoch

(Food and Drink)

Focail / Words

à la carte menu – biachlár à la carte
alcoholic drinks – deochanna meisciúla
ale – leann
apple – úll
apple pie and cream – pióg úll agus uachtar
apple tart – toirtín úll
avocado – piorra abhcóide
bacon – bagún
baked – bácáilte
banana – banana
banana split – scoilteog bhanana
bar – beár
barmaid – cailín beáir
barman – fear beáir
bar manager – bainisteoir an bheáir
beans – pónairí
beef mairteoil
beer – beoir
biscuit – briosca
blackberries – sméara dubha
black pudding – putóg dhubh
boiled – bruite
boiled egg – ubh bhruite
bowl – babhla
bread – arán
bread roll – rolla aráin
breakfast – bricfeasta
brown bread – arán donn
butter – im
cabbage – cabáiste
carrot – cairéad
cereal – gránach
cheese – cáis
cherry – sillín
chicken – sicín
children’s menu – biachlár na bpáistí
chips – sceallóga
cook – cócaire
cornflakes – calóga arbhair
shepherd’s pie – pióg an aoire
course – cúrsa
cream – uachtar
cream of vegetable soup – anraith glasraí le huachtar
cucumber – cúcamar
cured – leasuithe
dessert. – milseog
dining room – seomra bia
dinner – dinnéar
drink – deoch
drinking chocolate – deoch sheacláide
duck – lacha
eggs – uibheacha
fillet of salmon – filléad bradáin
fish – iasc
fish fingers – méara éisc
flavour – blas
food served all day – bia ar fáil an lá ar fad
for breakfast – don bhricfeasta
for lunch – don lón
for dinner – don dinnéar
fork – forc
four course meal – béile ceithre chúrsa
fresh – úr
fried – friochta
fried eggs – uibheacha friochta
fruit – torthaí
fruit juice – sú torthaí
fruit salad – sailéad torthaí
garden peas – piseanna garraí

glass – gloine
half pint – leathphionta
ham – liamhás
have you a reservation? – ar chuir tú bord in áirithe?
hot chocolate – seacláid the
hotel – óstán
I am really into… – Tá dúil agam i…
ice-cream – uachtar reoite
ingredient – comhábhar
Irish stew – stobhach Gaelach
jam – subh
jelly – glóthach
jug – crúiscín
lamb – uaineoil
lasagne – lasáinne
lemon – líomóid
lemonade – líomanáid
lettuce – leitís
main course – príomhchúrsa
meals – béilí
meals served all day béilí – ar fáil an lá ar fad
meat – feoil
milk – bainne
milkshake – creathán bainne
opening hours – uaireanta oscailte
orange – oráiste
orange juice – sú oráiste
pear – piorra
peas – piseanna
pickled – picilte
pork – muiceoil
potato – práta
preparing – ag ullmhú
rice – rís
roasted – rósta
roast potatoes – prátaí rósta
roast turkey – turcaí rósta
salad – sailéad
salmon – bradán
salt – salann
salted – saillte
sandwiches – ceapairí
sauce – anlann
sausage – ispín
seafood – bia mara
selfservice – féinseirbhís
sharing – roinnt
soup – anraith
spaghetti – spaigití
starter – cúrsa tosaigh
steak stéig
stew – stobhach
stout – leann dubh
strawberries – sútha talún
sweets – milseáin
table for two (three/four) – bord do bheirt (thriúr/cheathrar)
toast – tósta
tomato – tráta
tomato ketchup – citseap trátaí
turkey – turcaí
vegetables – glasraí
vegetarian – veigeatóir
waiter – freastalaí
wine – fíon
wine glass – gloine fíona
wine list – clár an fhíona
yoghurt iógart

Frásaí / Phrases

Are you interested in…? – An bhfuil suim agat i…?

Are you really into…? – An bhfuil dúil agat i…?

Food from ___ is my favourite food – Is é bia de chuid ___ an bia is fearr liom

___ is my faourite dish – Is é ___ an béile is fearr liom

I am really into (I am a ___ enthusiast) – Tá mo chroí istigh i

I like sharing dishes – Is maith liom béilí a roinnt

I often/usually make ___ for ___ – Is gnách liom ___ a ullmhú don ___

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