Na Meáin Chumarsáide: Media

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:

Na Meáin Chumarsáide

(The Media)

Focail / Words

Account – Cuntas
Article – Alt
Blog – Blag
Comment – Trácht
Commentary – Tráchtaireacht
Communication – Cumarsáid
Community – Pobal
Computer – Ríomhaire
Contact – Teagmháil
Crowd – Dream
Debate – Díospóireacht
Discussion – Plé
Forum – Fóram
Group – Lucht

Hear – Clois
Magazine – Irisleabhar
The news – An nuacht
Newspaper – Nuachtán
Online – Ar líne
Pastime – Caitheamh aimsire
Picture – Pictiúr
Radio – Raidió
Read – Léigh
Television – Teilifís
Topic of interest – Ábhar suime
Video – Físeán
Watch, look at – Féach ar

Frásaí / Phrases

I read the article. – Léigh mé an t-alt.

I heard the story. – Chuala mé an scéal.

Did you hear the news? – Ar chuala tú an nuacht?

Did you hear the story? – Ar chuala tú an scéal?

Did you read the newspaper? – Ar léigh tú an nuachtán?

Did you watch the new film? – Ar fhéach tú ar an scannán úr?

I haven’t watched yet. – Níor fhéach mé go fóill.

We watched the video in the news. – D’fhéach muid ar an bhfíseán sa nuacht.

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