How to Count People in Irish, 1-10

Fáilte go dtí an físeán seo! In this video, we’re going to learn how to Count People in Irish, from 1 – 10. Once you finish this video, you’ll then want to see our next video, How to Count People in Irish, 11-20!

How to Count People in Irish, 1-10

We use specific words while counting people in the Irish language:

To say one person, we say “duine amháin”, or you can just say “duine”.

For two people, we can say “beirt”.

For three, we say “triúr”,

Four people, the word is “ceathrar”.

Five people, we can say “cúigear”

Six people, we say “seisear”.

Seven people, we use the word “seachtar”.

Eight people, we say “ochtar”.

Nine people, it’s “naonúr”, and for

Ten people, we say “deichniúr”.

That’s how you can count people from 1-10 in Irish!

Samplaí Eile / Other Examples:

– Tá duine amháin ag an siopa – One person is at the shop.

– Bhí beirt ag rothaíocht ar an mbóthar. – Two people were cycling on the road.

– Chonaic mé naonúr ag an bpictiúrlann. – I saw nine people at the cinema.

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