Ag Bualadh le Daoine: Meeting People

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:

Ag Bualadh le Daoine

(Meeting People)

Focail / Words

Blind date – Coinne chéadaithne
Boyfriend – Buachaill
Co-worker – Comhoibrí
Community – Pobal
Dating site – Suíomh geandála
Friend – Cara
Friends – Cairde
Girlfriend – Cailín
Husband – Fear Céile

Neighbours – Comharsana
Party  Cóisir
Retired  Ar scor
Significant Other  Duine suntasach
Single – Singil
Social – Club sóisialta
Social Networking Site – Láithreán líonrú sóisialta
Strainséir – Stranger
Wife – Bean Chéile

Frásaí / Phrases

Hello – Dia duit.

Hello (in response to ‘Dia duit’) – Dia is Muire duit.

How are you? – Conas atá tú?

I am good – Tá mé go maith.

I am all right – Ta mé go measartha (maith).

I am ploughing along – Ta mé ag stróiceadh liom

I’m not too bad – Níl caill orm.

I am not that good today – Níl mé rómhaith inniu.

And yourself? – Agus tú féin?

What is your name? – Cad is ainm duit?

I’m Síle – Is mise Síle.

I am from __ – Is as ___ mé.

Where do you live? – Cá (háit a) bhfuil tú i do chónaí?

Where are you living? – Cá bhfuil tú i do chónaí?

Where are you? – Cá bhfuil tú?

I live in Dallas – Tá mé i mo chónaí in Dallas.

I am an American – Is Meiriceánach mé.

Goodbye to one person – Slán leat.

Goodbye to multiple people – Slán libh.

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