Laethanta Saoire: Vacation

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:

Laethanta Saoire


Focail / Words

Beach holiday – Saoire cois trá
Break, pause – Sos
Camp – Campa
Catching up on – Breith suas ar
Chores – Timireacht
Entertainment, amusement – Siamsaíocht
Festival – Féile
Freckles – Bricíní gréine
Free time – am saor
Fun – Spraoi
Hiking trail – Conair shiúlóireachta
Holiday cottage – Teachín saoire
Pastime, pursuit, hobby – Caitheamh aimsire
Picnic area – Láthair phicnicí

Practice – Cleachtadh
Reading – Léamh
Road trip – Turas Bóthair
To relax – Scíth a ligean
Sea shell – Sliogán trá
Sightseeing – Ag fámaireacht
Sleep – Codladh
Social event – Ócáid sóisialta
Staycation – Saoirse sa bhaile
Tan – Dath na gréine
Travel – Taisteal
Trip – Turas
Various jobs (i.e. chores) – Jabanna éagsúla
Working out, physical exercise – Traenáil (choirp)

Frásaí / Phrases

What are you up to? – Cad é atá ar bun agat?

What will you do? – Cad a dhéanfaidh tú?

What will you get up to? – Cad é a bheidh ar bun agat?

It’s very humid today – Tá sé an-mheirbh inniu.

Are you looking forward to that? – An bhfuil tú ag súil leis sin?

Are you looking forward to the film? – An bhfuil tú ag súil leis an scannán?

I am really looking forward to reading my book. – Táim ag súil go mór mo leabhar a léamh.

I am looking forward to seeing a series on Netflix. – Táim ag súil sraith ar Netlfix a fheiceáil.

I am really looking forward to relaxing. Táim ag súil go mór mo scíth a ligean.

I hope to go on a trip to New York. – Táim ag súil dul ar turas go Nua Eabhrac.

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