Taisteal Thar Sáile: Vacation

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:

Taisteal Thar Saile


Focail / Words

bed and breakfast– leaba is bricfeasta
border – teorainn
capital city – príomhchathair
citizenship – saoránacht
culture – cultúr
culture shock – suaitheadh cultúir
currency – airgeadra
customs – custaim
directions – treoracha
ferry – bád farantóireachta
festival – féile
fine art – mínealaín
flight – eitilt
foreign language – teanga iasachta
hostel – brú

map – léarscáil
museum – iarsmalann
passport – pas
phrase book – leabhar frásaí
pilgrimage – oilithreacht
sightseeing – fámaireacht
tour guide – treoraí turais
train station – stáisiún traenach
travel guide – teoirleabhar taistil
trip – turas
itinerary – cúrsa taistil
local delicacies – bia speisialta na háite
local traditions – traidisiúin na háite
hotel – óstán
international – idirnáisiúnta

Frásaí / Phrases

Thaistil sí an domhan – She traveled the world

Eitilt ag an nóiméad deireanach – Last minute flight

Ní mór pas bailí a bheith agat – Having a valid passport is essential

Chuaigh muid ar bhus turasóireachta – We took a sightseeing bus

Ar chónaigh tú riamh i dtír iasachta? – Have you ever lived in a foreign country?

Bíonn bád farantóireachta ann sa samhradh – A ferry operates during the summer

Chuaigh muid ar an ghráth-thuras treoraithe – We took the obligatory guided tour

Chuir lucht rialú pasanna moill orainn – We were delayed at passport control

Chuir mé eitilt dhíreach go Corcaigh in áirithe – I booked a direct flight to Cork

Tá dinnéar, leaba agus bricfeasta san áireamh – The price includes dinner, bed and breakfast

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