An Timpeallacht: The Environment

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:

An Timpeallacht

(The Environment)

Focail / Words

alive – beo
apathy – neamhshuim (‘disinterest’)

bog – portach

camping – campáil

climate – aeráid

conservation – caomhnú

cycle – timthriall

destruction – scriosadh
dismissiveness – drochmheas (‘bad respect’)
ecosystem – éiceachóras
environment (i.e. surroundings)

forest, wood – foraois, coill

habitat – gnáthóg

hiking – siúlóireacht, cnocadóireacht

lake – loch

life – an saol
living things – beatha
mountain – sliabh

nature – dúlra/nádúr
regeneration – athbheochan (‘re-enlivening’)

river – abhainn

sea – farraige

here and there – breac-

storm – stoirm

temperature – teocht

trail – conair

tree – crann

wetland, marsh – bogach
wilderness – fiántas

world – domhan

Frásaí / Phrases

Dispersed forests – breac-choillte

I don’t care – Is cuma liom

I love to walk in the forest – Is aoibhinn liom siúl san fhoraois

It will be destroyed – Scriosfar é

There is a lovely trail – Tá conair bhreá ann

The area is great for hiking/camping – Is an-cheantar é don tsiúlóireacht/champáil

The sea calms me – Cuireann an fharraige ar mo shuaimhneas mé

We live near a park/river/ beach – Táimid inár gcónaí in aice le páirc/abhainn/cladach

Conservation alone is not enough anymore – Ní leor an caomhnú amháin a thuilleadh

Do you know what the natural habitat of your area is? – An bhfuil gnáthóg do cheantair ar eolas agat?

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