Tinneas agus Gortuithe: Sickness and Injury

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:

Tinneas agus Gortuithe

(Illness and Injury)

Focail / Words

body – corp / colainn, an cholainn bone – cnámh, an chnámh
break – briseadh
broke – briste
clinic – an clinic
a cut – gearradh
doctor – dochtúir
ear – cluas, an chluas
eye – súil, an tsúil
finger – méar, an mhéar
foot – cos, an chos
hand – lámh
health – sláinte, an tsláinte

hospital – an otharlann / an t-ospidéal hurt / injure – gortaigh
medecine – leigheas
mind – meabhair, an mheabhair
neck – muinéal
nurse – altra, an t-altra
patient – othar, an t-othar
physician (healer) – lia
recovery – biseach
sick / sore – tinn
sickness – tinneas
skin – craiceann
sore, in pain – pianmhar

Frásaí / Phrases

Are you sick? – An bhfuil tú tinn?

Are you better? / Have you recovered? – An bhfuil biseach ort?

Get well! – Go dtaga biseach ort!

He is not better yet. – Níl biseach air go fóill.

Is your foot sore? – An bhfuil do chos tinn? An bhfuil do chos ag gortú?

It is difficult to find mental health care publically in Ireland – Is deacair teacht ar cúram sláinte na meabhrach go poiblí in Éirinn

Mental health – Sláinte na meabhrach / meabharshláinte

Physiological health – Sláinte na colainne

Prevention is better than cure – Is fearr cosc ná leigheas

She has been in hospital for a week – Tá sí san otharlann le seachtain anuas

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