Buanna agus Scileanna: Talents agus Skills

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine: 

Buanna agus Scileanna

(Talents and Skills)

Focail / Words

able (‘naturally good at things’) – inniúil
ability – cumas
chore (“taxing work”) – obair mhaslach
devotion – díograis
difficult – deacair
difficulty – dua
easy – éasca
getting better – feabhas ag teacht
improvement – feabhas
learned, scholarly – léannta

liking, craving – dúil
nuisance (“heartache”) – crá croí
patience – foighne
practice – cleachtadh
practising – ag cleachtadh
pride – bród
routine – gnáthamh
skill – scil
talent, gift – bua
used to – i dtaithí ar

Frásaí / Phrases

Are you used to the routine, yet? – An bhfuil sibh i dtaithí ar an ngnáthamh go fóill?

I practise the guitar a couple of times per week – Bím ag cleachtadh an ghiotair cúpla uair sa tseachtain

How many times per week do you train/workout? – Cé mhéad uair sa tseachtain a bhíonn tú ag traenáil?

It used to be a real nuisance to practise piano, but now I’m grateful that I have the ability – Crá croí a bhíodh ann an piano a chleachtadh, ach táim buíoch anois go bhfuil an cumas agam

She is gifted with sport – Tá an spórt go smior inti

We are proud of him, for the skill he has – Tá bród againn as, de bharr na scile atá aige 

She has the gift of music – Tá bua an cheoil aici

I have a strong fondness for reading – Tá dúil agam sa léitheoireacht

You’re getting better every day! – Tá feabhas ag teacht ort gach lá!

It’s a pain to go out to the gym in the evenings, but it’s worth it – Is dua é dul amach ag an gym sa tráthnóna, ach is fiú é

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