Éin, Éisc agus Ainmhithe: Birds, Fish and Animals

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:

Éin, Éisc agus Ainmhithe

(Birds, Fish and Animals)

Focail / Words

Bat – Sciathán leathair
Bear – Béar
Brown Bear – Béar donn
Budgie – Budragár
Bull – Tarbh
Cow – Bó
Crab – Portán
Deer – Fia
Dolphin – Deilf
Fish – Iasc
Fox – Sionnach
Gerbil – Seirbil
German Shepherd – Sipéar Gearmánach
Giraffe – Sioraf
Golden Eagle – Iolar Firéan
Goldfish – Iasc órga
Grey wolf – Faolchú liath
Guinea pig – Muc ghuine
Hamster – Hamstar
Hare – Giorria
Hedgehog- Gráinneog
Horse – Capall
Iguana – Ioguána
Irish wolfhound – Cú faoil
Kangaroo – Cangarú
Kestrel – Pocaire Gaoithe
Kitten – Puisín/Piscín
Labrador – Labradór

Lion – Leon
Lobster – Gliomach
Mackerel – Ronnach
Mare – Láir
Moose – Mús
Mouse – Luch
Ostrich – Ostrais
Otter – Dobharchú,
Owl – Ulchabhán
Parrot – Pearóid
Puffin – Puifín
Puppy – Coileán
Rabbit – Coinín
Racoon – Racún
Rat – Francach
Raven – Fiach dubh
Robin – Spideog
Salmon – Bradán
Snake – Nathair
Spider – Damhán alla
Swan – Eala
Tail – Eireaball
Tiger – Tíogar
Trout – Breac
Turtle – Turtar
Watch dog – Madra faire
Weasel, Stoat – Easóg
Whale – Míol mór
Wren – Dreoilín

Frásaí / Phrases

Do you have a pet? – An bhfuil peata agat?

Do you like to hunt wild animals? – An maith leat ainmhithe fiáine a sheilg?

What does he eat? – Cad a itheann sé?

How many pets do you have? – Cé mhéad peata atá agat?

How old is he? – Cén aois é?

Fionn is a yellow Labrador – Is labradór buí é Fionn

I have two dogs now – Tá dhá mhadra agam anois

I have a dog – Tá madra agam

He is 10 years old. – Tá sé deich mbliana d’aois

My friend has a snake. The snake eats mice – Tá nathair ag cara liom.
Itheann an nathair luchóga.

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  1. Cúpla ceann eile:

    easóg – weasel, stoat
    míol mór – whale
    míol mór dronnach – humpback
    puisín/piscín – kitten

  2. Úitseach = Woodchuck (or) groundhog
    Spáinnéar féa = Cocker spaniel
    Gealbhan = Sparrow
    Capaillín = Pony
    Capall = Horse
    Stail = Stallion
    Beithíoch = Beast (cattle)
    Bó = Cow
    Tarbh = Bull
    Eallach = Cattle

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