Finscéalta: Legends

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:



Focail / Words

Adventure – Eachtra
Analogy – Analach
Anecdote – Scéilín
Author – Údar
Chapter – Caibidil
Character – Carachtar
Comedy – Coiméide
Druid – Draoi
Fantasy – Fantaisíocht
Fiction – Ficsean
Goblin – Gruagach
Hero – Laoch
Heroine – Banlaoch
Historical Fiction – Ficsean stairiúil
Irony – Íoróin
Legend – Seanscéal
Main Character – Príomhcharachtár

Metaphor – Meafar
Mountains – Sléibhte
Mystery – Mistéir
Myth – Miotas
Novel – Úrscéal
Plot – Plota
Poisoned chalice – Cailís nimhe
Popular Myth – Tuairim choitianta
Quest – Tóraíocht
Romance – Scéal grá
Science Fiction – Ficsean Eolaíochta
Setting – Suíomh
Shield – Sciath
Short Story – Gearrscéal
Spear – Sleá
Tragedy – Traigéide
Villain – Bithiúnach
Witch – Cailleach

Frásaí / Phrases

According to myth – De réir na miotaseolaíochta

Fantasy is preferable to the starkness of life – Is fearr an fhantaisíocht ná déine an tsaoil

He’s a folk hero – Tá ardmheas ag na gnáthdhaoine air

To be away with the faeries – Bheith ar shiúl leis na sióga

The heroes of old – Na laochra fadó

The story is somewhere in the borderland between history and myth – Tá an scéal áit éigin idir stair agus miotas

The villain is only seen in silhouette – Ní fheictear an bithiúnach ach mar scáthchruth

There are two legends surrounding this well – Tá dhá fhinscéal ag baint leis an tobar seo

These stories have parallels in folklore – Tá scéalta mar seo le fáil sa bhéaloideas

According to legend this is where St Patrick came ashore – De réir an tseanchais, is é seo an áit ar tháinig Naomh Pádraig i dtír

The book is about a man who many describe as a hero – Tá an leabhar faoi fhear a ndeir a lán faoi gur laoch é

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