Cúrsaí Oibre: Work

Below are words and phrases associated with Topaic na Seachtaine:

Cúrsaí Oibre

(Work Matters)

Focail / Words

ambition – uaillmhian
aspiration, desire – mian
benefit – sochar
burnout – traochadh
busy – gnóthach
certificate – teastas
dedication, enthusiasm – díograis
difficult – deacair
earn – tuill
enjoyable – taitneamhach
exam – scrúdú
full-time – lánaimseartha
income – ioncam

job – post
overtime – ragobair
part-time – páirtaimseartha
pay – pá
remote working – cianobair
research – taighde
rewarding – tairbheach
salary – tuarastal
student – mac léinn
study – staidéar
time off – laethanta saoire
training – oiliúint
work – obair

Frásaí / Phrases

Do you work remotely? – An mbíonn tú ag cianobair?

I enjoy the job and get a lot out of it – Bainim taitneamh agus tairbhe as an bpost

Work is busy – Bíonn an obair gnóthach

I have a long commute – Bíonn turas fada chun na hoibre agam

What if you had your dream job – Dá mbeadh post do mhéine agat

There are many trainings and exams I undertake as part of the work – Is iomaí oiliúint nó scrúdú a thugaim faoi mar chuid den obair

I like my job – Is maith liom mo phost

That is work which involves a lot of skill – Is obair í sin a bhfuil an-scil ag baint léi

She has real ambition and dedication – Tá an-uaillmhian agus díograis aici

You are at risk of burning yourself out – Tá tú i mbaol tú féin a thraochadh

A certificate and some experience are required for the job – Teastaíonn teastas agus taithí uait don phost

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